I thought the first Christmas without Sierra was hard but for some reason this one was harder. I went through the motions as I needed to. The tree was put up though I did not decorate the outside still not an easy task for me. I bought presents and when Christmas came we open gifts in the morning, sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and cut a cake in His honor. We went to breakfast at our friends house and off to Orlando to spend time with family. I laughed, joke but inside there was sadness. I miss her and I will forever. My life is forever changed because my little girl is now in her eternal home. I am called strong but I give God credit for any strength he has given me because on my own without Him I would have crumbled. Thank you God for your strength. I hope all of you have enjoyed a blessed and truly amazing Christmas and New Year celebration.
I pray this year for me and my family as well as for all of you brings about faith, love, health and happiness. May all your prayers be answered. My prayer that my family heals in all areas because Sierra's death rocked the very core of us and coming out of it (especially for her daddy) has been extremely hard.
God bless you all!!
Sierra's Stocking is up and running. Gift card donations (no amount is too small) can be mailed to: Sierra's Stocking-235 W. Brandon Blvd. Suite 264, Brandon, FL 33511-5103. The gift cards will be going to Giving Hope Through Faith (
http://www.givinghopethroughfaith.org/) who helps the families going through this difficult time (they helped me and I cannot thank them enough. Please help...it would sure be appreciated.