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Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Strategy From Team Unite #31

New Strategy from Team Unite. Let's help be a voice for Childhood Cancer:

The Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act has been signed into Law by our President..What now???
Rest assured that there are many advocates for the children who are meeting daily with people on, "The Hill". Uncertainty is where the process is at the present time with respect to what will go on and what our next best move should be. The federal fiscal year ends on September 30. Congress has not passed any of the 13 appropriations bills it is required to by the end of the fiscal year and it is not likely that they will complete any of these bills before the end of the month. Congress will have to pass a "Continuing Resolution" to keep federal agencies open at their current level of funding until the appropriations bills can be passed. Congress may extend the Continuing Resolution until after the elections and then reconvene for a "lame duck" session to continue working on the bills before the end of the calendar year and the start of a new Congress and new Administration.
Out of the 13 appropriation bills, there are three bills that are a high priority for Congress to pass in this session of Congress: the Defense Appropriation, Military Construction and Homeland Security.
The best hope for funding for childhood cancer research is in the Defense appropriation bill. A request was submitted last January for $20 Million to support pediatric clinical trials. Our hope is to have as much of the money as possible be appropriated. It has been marked up both in the Senate, House Defense Sub Committees but has not gone to the full appropriation committee in either chamber. It was actually scheduled a week ago in the House but unfortunately it was delayed.
What does all this mean? I wish we had a crystal ball that could tell us but, since we do not, let's focus on where our biggest impact could be and figure this out! This could pass sooner than later but we all need to know that this may be held over by Continuing Resolution until who knows when. After elections??? Prior to new congress and Administration in Jan? Will there be a lame duck session?
We do not have the luxury of time as children are battling for their lives. So, Team Uniters, we will continue to generate awareness and we will target the following members of the Defense appropriation subcommittee.
The largest request and the appropriation bill most likely to pass before the end of this year is the Defense appropriation bill. This bill has been marked up. Let's all pull together and write, email, call, etc. these individuals requesting significant funding in the FY 2009 Defense Appropriations bill for clinical trials for pediatric cancer research.
Chairman Murtha 2423 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 P:(202) 225-2065 F:(202) 225-5709 Email Chairman Murtha
Ranking Member Bill Young 2407 Rayburn HOB Washington D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5961 Email Ranking Member Bill Young
Chairman Sen. Inouye (HI) 722 Hart Building Washington D.C. 202-224-3934 Email Chairman Inouye
Ranking Member Sen. Stevens (AK) 522 Hart Building Washington, D.C. (202) 224-3004 Email Ranking Member Stevens
20 million - Army RDTE- To support pediatric cancer research and clinical trials
The funding will be used to enhance important ongoing clinical trials, support the creation of significant, new clinical trials and prevent the discontinuation of critical childhood cancer trials, benefiting children of military families, civilian DOD employees, and other children afflicted with childhood cancer.
In addition to the above, please continue to promote September as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. See strategy #30 for details. Thank you and God Bless Team Unite!!!!
H.R.1553 Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act to advance medical research and treatments into pediatric cancers, ensure patients and families have access to information regarding pediatric cancers and current treatments for such cancers, establish a national childhood cancer registry, and promote public awareness of pediatric cancer. Sponsor: Rep Pryce, Deborah [OH-15] (introduced 3/15/2007) Cosponsors (229) Related Bills: S.911 Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 110-285 [GPO: Text, PDF] House Reports: 110-706
Statistics and Facts
Cancer is the leading cause of death of children
Funding for the NCI (national Cancer Institute) and the NIH (National Institutes of Health) have been flat over the past 5 years which has put us further from our goal of finding a cure for childhood cancer
Over 12,500 children/teens are diagnosed and 2500 do not survive EVERY YEAR in our country
Email to join Team Unite today!


Anissa Mayhew said...

This is AWESOME information to have, thanks, Mary Lynn!

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