I haven't posted in a while...I just didn't have the energy and I am making myself do it now. It isn't that I don't have things to share...I do...we have done a lot and there are events to speak about. I just feel drained. I am tired of my daughter being gone and I want her back. I want to hear her footsteps slapping clumsily against the floor on her way to my room. I want to hear her whisper "momma" as she gets into my bed to snuggle with me early in the morning. I want to hear her demand for ketchup when she sits at her favorite chair in the kitchen to eat. I want her back. In my Griefshare class I learned that God cannot move a parked car (well he is God he can move anything but I am sure he would not move a parked car). A parked car is stalled for the moment...and until that key is put into the ignition...it cannot move on. If we are stuck in our grief...we also cannot move on. We become like a park car and if parked for too long can lose it's usefulness and it's purpose. I choose to move on because I have to but sometimes I will get stuck in my grief and have to force myself to move along. This will be a process for a while but I will do it. I have to.
I went last weekend to the Innisbrooke Resort with the Children's Cancer Center (http://www.childrenscancercenter.org/) with other bereaved parents. Just the kids and I. We had a nice time and spent some quality time with our friends the Reicherts who drove up with us. Thank you, Children's Cancer Center. It is good to get away that is for sure.
The kids and I also went to the Steve Yerrid Fishing Tournament. I went last year with Sierra. She loved it and I really miss her being there this year. It got a little emotional but more importantly I was glad to be there and it felt so good to be included. Thank you Pediatric Cancer Foundation (http://www.fastercure.org/) for the opportunity to be there. I still need my 'family.'
At the tournament, I got to see Benji the dog and his 'parents.' Sierra absolutely loved Benji. Benji and Gracie were her favorite therapy dogs. They sent me the clip of the interview Sierra and I were on from Fox news here in Tampa. I must have seen it 10 times and cried so hard. Sierra was so happy to see Benji and he really made her day visiting her. I miss that beautiful face of hers and I wish I was able to transplant myself there and hold her. To the Goulds thank you for sending me the clip. I will cherish it forever. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=6451382&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=3.2.1
Events coming up:
Our little bud Angelo (who Sierra affectionately called Gelo) is the honored child for the Badge Bowl...Yay!!! (http://www.badgebowl.com/). It is a very exciting event and will be held on November 22nd (next Saturday). It is a football game between the Tampa police department and the Tampa firefighters.
Also...on November 21st is the Tampa Bay Fights Cancer Night (thanks Steve Yerrid). This is at the Lightning Game so it will be very exciting!!. Thank you Dreamfund for the tickets.
Arielle and I are going Monday to the "So You Think You Can Dance? Tour" and that should be a lot of fun. We will get to hang with our buds the Vessels. Thanks Debbie!!!
Thanksgiving is going to be at my house and I am making the turkey and I will be among great company (family & friends who are family in my heart). It will be hard but I think it will be good as long as there are people around who love you, support you and are there for you...it is the best medicine out there.
Special prayers going out to: Demitri, Brooke, Connor, Carli, Scott.
Thank you God that Angelo did not have the chicken pox and is on the men. Thank you that Samantha is doing well and her port is out...Yay!!! and Sinjin...you keep going...wow!!!
Carlee...I am praying you got to go home today and fevers are all gone!!
Thanks to all of you for still looking in on us...we are so grateful to that!!!
Team Unite have made a calender and of course my little star is on it. If
you would like a calender...just click this link:
Also...please help in making Sierra's Stocking a huge success....gift cards are going to Giving Hope Through Faith (http://www.givinghopethroughfaith.org/) and gifts will go to the oncology patients at St. Joe's for children age range of 0-18. I can send a letter for tax deduction for the gift cards. No amount is too small...a little goes a long way!!!
Also very important news to share (thank you Gail Frank):
Ever wondered if you could be a blood marrow donor? Florida Blood Services says,
"During the month of November 2008, all lifesaving donors can join the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Registry for FREE...it's as simple as a swab of the mouth!
Donate on one of our mobiles and receive a card to bring into any FBS donor center the month of November to register for the NMDP. Donate at one of our 13 donor centers and register right then and there!"
Anyone between ages 18 and 60 who donates whole blood, red cells,
platelets or plasma through FBS is eligible to join the National Marrow Donor Program - a nationwide database that attempts to match an estimated 6,000 people a day to a volunteer donor.
The blood service foundation is covering the normal $52 registration fee as part of National Marrow Awareness Month in November.
An estimated 70 percent of people needing a marrow transplant cannot find a match within their own family. The registry is especially critical as seven in 10 people seeking a match never get a transplant. Minority groups are especially encouraged to join the database, as matches are tied to race.
Registration for the bone marrow program involves paperwork and having a technician swab inside a donor's mouth (no needles!) to collect DNA samples for tissue typing.
To find a nearby blood drive, donor center call 1-800-68-BLOOD (25663) or visit http://www.fbsblood.org/.
Florida Blood Services provides for the blood needs of patients at 37 hospitals in Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk Counties, Florida.
Help save a life...Danny and I are on the list and also released our HLA
typing. I am excited to give the gift of life and am ready when they call me.
God bless you all!!!
Happy 10th Birthday, Keeghan!!!
7 years ago
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