Thank you all so much for the prayers and kind thoughts. We are doing okay and you know its a day by day...hour by hour just have to get through. We will.
So far so good with the alarm system and I am so thankful it is here that is for sure. It does give a deeper sense of security. That is how I feel about faith in God...without it...I have no security...with it...I am safe to continue on and have the hope to know that whatever happens in the end...he is with me and one day...I will be with him for all eternity along with my little girl and all my loved ones who have passed on.
I really love and appreciate all of you that have invested in our lives and care to read about all the going ons. I really do appreciate each and everyone of you...whether you leave a message or not. You are all amazing. With that I thought I would give a shout out every once in a while to my friends out there in cyberland...give a little recognition...and a thankyou {{{hug}}}.
I hope you don't mind but the first one I want to do that to is our friend Nigel. We never met you and you live so far away. My daughter thinks you are so cool. You follow our site and that of many others with a little message of hope and inspiration. We think you are awesome and we thank you so much for checking in on us and all of our warrior friends. I always look for you on our guestbook and that of our other friends and I know I will see you. Many blessings to you Nigel and thank you for being so special.
I want to do this every once in a while to all of you...and hope I don't miss anyone. You have all been such an amazing source of strength and comfort and I really do appreciate it. I know the recognition is not important but I really do want to acknowledge because I want to show how much I appreciate and need you all.
Thanks again and God bless you all!!!
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